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February 2025

Dear Members,
January saw our first workshop of the year.
An Introduction to Portraiture with Mark Fielding

Here are some photos from the day. Some great results I’m sure you’ll agree.


Saturday 22nd February     10am to 4pm      Watercolour
Paint Venice Like Turner with Iain Grant
      (Suitable for all levels of experience)


Using images from JWM Turner’s sketchbooks made during his various trips to Venice, we will try to achieve slightly more finished paintings of these scenes which are still recognizable today. 

Booking for Workshops
There has recently been some confusion over the procedure on how to book a workshop.  Places are allocated on a first come first served basis via our email address,
Please follow these instructions so places can be allocated fairly in order of request.

1:    Send an email to only, giving details of the workshop you want to attend.  Please DO NOT send your request verbally via another member
or a member of the committee. 

2:   Please DO NOT send payment for a workshop until you have received an email confirming you are on the list. 
If the workshop is full you will be advised and added to a waiting list. If a place becomes available we will contact you.

3:   If you need to cancel your place please let us know as soon as possible so we can offer it to other members, especially important if there is a waiting list.

Refunds will only be given if cancellation notice is received (via the same email address)
at least seven days before the workshop. 
This is to give us time to contact members on the waiting list and allow them time to receive the full details and prepare / purchase any equipment needed.

Saturday 15th March           10am to 4pm
Painting a Spring Landscape and mixing greens with Michael Hill

As many of you know, Michael is notorious for not providing any details about his workshops, but you can be sure it will be a very useful, informative and enjoyable day.
These images are an example of his work but are unlikely to be the ones you will be working from.

 To reserve a place for these workshops, please email: contact@yealmartsociety  

Here are the details for all BACS payments to the ‘Yealm Art Society’.
Account No. 01293696 Sort Code. 30-96-68

Please include a reference e.g., the artists name.
Not your name
– we need to know which workshop/event you are paying for. (Your
name will come through automatically with your payment when paying by BACS).
Cheques should be made payable to the ‘Yealm Art Society’.
Reference: Record the workshop artist’s name on back of your cheque.
Post to: YAS Treasurer, “Ottawa”, Crescent Road, Ivybridge, Devon PL21 0BP

Saturday 19th to 21st April – Annual Spring Exhibition   

You will soon be receiving the paperwork for our Spring Exhibition, held in Noss Mayo Village Hall.
Handing in day will be on Friday 18th April 4.30pm to 5.30pm.  If you are unable to drop off your artwork at this time, you may organise for someone else to deliver it on your behalf.

So, finish off those paintings and get framing. We look forward to seeing all the amazing artwork from members old and new. We have no selection process and encourage everyone to submit something, big or small, even if its just a browser.

Sue Denny

YAS Secretary

Where are we based

Villages around the River Yealm, in the South Hams

Privacy Policy

Regular Events

Paint together sessions
Mondays 10am - 1pm in the Parish Room, Yealmpton
Mondays 1pm - 4pm in the Parish Room, Yealmpton
Thursdays 10.00am - 1.00pm in The Revelstoke Room, Village Hall, Noss Mayo.